Well-designed IT infrastructure lays a foundation for the introduction of application-based information systems, automation of business processes and improvement of operational efficiency.
Noventiq offers services on implementation of infrastructure projects – from delivery of hardware to management of interconnected systems’ operation.
“ServiceNow platform development marks yet another step to formulating a service-based approach to address business objectives at our facilities and towards an efficient management of key processes at the company-wide scale”.
"Upon completion of the project, our experts were able to administer IT services independently from their Vietnamese colleagues. Noventiq specialists ensured the smooth interaction of all components, which allowed us to optimize the costs of maintaining the IT infrastructure performance, simplify administering processes and ensure prompt access to the necessary data".
“As a result of effective interaction with our IT-specialists short terms of equipment supply was guaranteed, which enabled to equip the hotel before its opening and provide the personnel, guests of the hotel, restaurant and bar, as well as partners, holding meetings at our conference-platforms, with modern equipment from reliable manufacturers”.
Thanks to the help of Noventiq specialists, we were able to create the cloud infrastructure and to provide users with access to digital content as quickly as possible . Simplified payment management and the ability to store virtually unlimited files allow to use the available IT resources as efficiently as possible. We plan to scale the solution depending on the type and amount of shares in Russia and abroad, and also to attract key rightholders to increase the efficiency of distribution and create new models of mutually beneficial cooperation.
"We have received an IT infrastructure management tool that allows not only to control the state of IT services, but, in addition quickly makes necessary changes. It is very important for us to provide remote consulting on technical support requests within the shortest terms. Local mobile device management is another important product benefit: it simplifies maintenance using the tools built into device operating systems".
By combining the two cutting edge digital transformation solutions; Microsoft O365 and Cumuluspro’s Straatos BPM platform, offering it as a single solution from a single cloud platform, we immediately save cost by automating the entire process and reducing the storage space for the Engineering Company. In addition, digitising and indexing the personnel documents paved the way for future data analytics requirements for HR trends.
The possibilities are infinite, any data-driven or document-centric business processes can be rapidly created, deployed and managed on the same platform.
“The software assets inventory performed by Noventiq specialists has enabled us to determine the number of software licenses actually used, to assess the current license compliance and to get recommendations on optimization of our corporate IT infrastructure. In the future, every business unit will be able to purchase software solutions that meet its unique needs under MPSA. Information on all software purchases in the company will be available from the system administrator’s personal area”.
"With IoT, the devices expose the local network, then security counts so that the user is not afraid to connect the machines. Our migration to Windows 10 added value when it came to more efficient graphics and too when talking about security. Furthermore, the 10-year warranty of the system given by Microsoft is the certainty of market longevity".
We are excited with Noventiq’s quick success in the first phase of this project, and looking forward to the complete solution roll-out to the rest of the departments and subsidiaries.