Introducing to you the Microsoft subscription solutions which can be applied to individual projects with specific business goals, or customize cloud infrastructure for all segments. When you plan to purchase Microsoft solution – CSP NCE is the best way to do it in a digital way. It is fast, flexible and cost-effective.
Noventiq is a Tier-1 CSP Cloud Solution Provider (working with end customers directly) for Microsoft. We are also the highest-tier partners for most of the global software vendors.
Automatically updated with new versions and feature sets
You can combine any product subscriptions and manage them depending on your needs users/ You can change t he number or other resources every day, depending on the current needs.
Flexible for business - pay as you go for monthly or annual subscription package
Free updates and new features are available immediately and automatically.
Noventiq Subscriptions Service (Marketplace)
Your personal account, where you can independently manage subscription, make changes by quantity users, add or exclude used solutions as well as track consumption using analytics functionality.
Optimal management of the budget
There is no need for Optimal management of the budget
There is no need for a large budget for the initial purchase. You can distribute costs depending on the current business needs or a large budget for the initial purchase. You can distribute costs depending on the current business needs.
Unlimited devices
User licenses, not device licenses, all modern operating rooms are supported systems and devices.
Leaders-grade of data protection
In Microsoft cloud services, multipurpose systems security cares about the safety of your data and protects against hackers, spam and malware 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Choose Solution
Subscribe via Noventiq Subscribtion Service
Why Noventiq?
Noventiq is a leading global IT solutions and services provider with Microsoft licensing solution provider (LSP) and SCP (Tier 1 and Tier 2) status in 34 countries. We are Microsoft's global partner and are recognized as Azure Expert MSP in several countries, a member of Microsoft Intelligent Security Association (MISA) and with numerous Advanced Specializations in Azure Infrastructure, Digital & App Innovation, Modern Work, and Security competencies by Microsoft.
We help our customers achieve digital transformation and protect their businesses with cybersecurity technologies. Our services include end-to-end technology solutions, public and private clouds, software and hardware provisioning and a broad array of associated services.
Are you interested to get a consultation on Microsoft Licensing? |
Cloud is our focus
We believe that cloud computing technologies continue to take center stage for the next 10 years.
We, Noventiq, continuously grow our expertise and offer our own and partners cloud solutions to the customers. We offer an integrated services ranging from consultation, hosting to application leasing in Noventiq Digital Platform.
The subscription model of cloud computing consumption will be the next thing as the customers appreciate the conveniences and the overall cost optimization and profitability. “Why Buy When You Can Consume” from Noventiq offers the flexibility to the businesses as you pay as you go.